You can pick up more items to craft from the Habbo Furni collection on TokenTrove.
Use this page to combine Habbo Collectibles in different ways to get brand new ones. You can pick up items to craft from the Habbo Furni collection on Immutable.
Please bear in mind that not all collectibles are craftable. Connect your wallet below to see which crafting recipes are available and which items are required to make them.
To complete some crafting recipes, you will also need Emeralds. You can get these by buying Emerald Furni from the Habbo Tokens collection on Immutable and converting them to Emeralds here.
Check the FAQ guide at the bottom of this page for more detailed information about crafting.

No, anyone can craft Habbo Collectibles. All you need are the right ingredients for the crafting recipe you want to make.
You can use TokenTrove to pick up Emerald Furni that can be converted back into Emeralds on our website.